Educational Strategies

  • 4 Ways Schools Help or Hinder Gifted Students

    Four ways schools can impact gifted students: by providing challenging curriculum, offering enrichment opportunities, ensuring social-emotional support, and avoiding practices that lead to underachievement.

  • Six Strategies for Challenging Gifted Learners

    The article presents six strategies for challenging gifted learners.

  • Making a difference: Motivating gifted students who are not achieving

    Strategies for effectively motivating gifted students who are underachieving to help them reach their full potential.

  • Tips for Working with the Gifted

    Practical tips and strategies for educators working with gifted students to enhance their learning experiences.

  • Unlocking Potential: Strategies for Engaging Gifted and Talented Students

    The article explores the characteristics, identification, and educational strategies for supporting gifted and talented students in the classroom.

  • What are the Depth and Complexity Icons?

    The article explains the Depth and Complexity Icons, which are tools designed to help educators differentiate instruction and challenge gifted students by adding layers of depth and complexity to their learning.

  • List of Academic Competitions for Gifted Students

    Comprehensive list of academic competitions for gifted students.

  • Using Curiosity as a Way to Defuse Power Struggles

    Avoiding power struggles with middle school students by fostering a collaborative and respectful classroom environment.

  • 21 Excellent Learning Resources

    List of learning resources

  • Fact or Fiction: What Does the Research Say?

    Common myths and facts about gifted students.

  • The Unique Needs Of Gifted Students

    Practical implementation of learning in classrooms to boost student engagement and achievement.

  • Closing the Achievement Gap and Promoting Greater Access to Gifted Education Programs

    Discusses strategies for closing the achievement gap among gifted students from diverse backgrounds.

  • MIT OpenCourseWare

    Resource for gifted teachers and learners. MIT OpenCourseWare is a free, publicly accessible, openly-licensed collection of high-quality teaching and learning materials. 2,500 MIT courses and supplemental resources are available for open sharing.

  • Differentiation Advice: Teacher to Teacher

    Practical advice on differentiating instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of gifted students.

  • The Advantages of Acceleration

    Benefits of academic acceleration for gifted students.

  • How to Keep Gifted Kids Motivated

    Provides strategies for keeping gifted kids motivated.

  • Begin with Highest Level Learner in Mind

    Emphasizes the importance of designing educational experiences with the highest-level learner in mind to ensure that all students, including gifted ones, are appropriately challenged and engaged.

  • Bloom's Taxonomy: Why, How, & Top Examples

    Why teachers and educators should use Blooms Taxonomy in their practice.

  • Tips for Teachers: Successful strategies for teaching gifted learners

    Practical tips and successful strategies for teachers to effectively engage and support gifted learners in the classroom.

  • 10 Best Practices in Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted Students

    Practices in Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted Students.

  • Explain that Stuff

    Offers clear, accessible explanations of complex scientific and technological concepts.

  • Guiding Students to Harness Mistakes for Learning

    Highlights the educational value of making mistakes, advocating for a learning environment where errors are seen as opportunities for growth and development.

  • How we can group gifted students

    Ways to group gifted students together.

  • The Rube Goldberg Miracle Machines Playground Contest

    Students and designers can submit their detailed design pitch decks in the hopes the playground equipment of your dreams will actually be built.

  • Gifts for the Gifted Classroom

    Gift recommendations for gifted children, focusing on items that stimulate intellectual curiosity and creativity.

  • 8 surprising things gifted students wish you knew

    Unique needs and characteristics of gifted students.

  • Involving All Students in Advanced Activities

    Strategies for involving all students, including those with varying abilities, in advanced activities.

  • How to Engage Gifted and Talented Students in the Classroom

    Strategies for engaging gifted and talented students in the classroom.

  • Fascinating! Arithmetic by Paul Lockhart.

    A captivating exploration of the beauty and elegance of arithmetic. Written by mathematician and author Paul Lockhart, it delves into the creative and intuitive nature of numbers and their relationships.

  • Gifted and talented education

    Overview of gifted and talented education.

  • What adults can learn from kids

    Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.

  • What's New in Gifted Education

    Includes the latest gifted education news, legislative updates, Davidson program updates, gifted blog posts, and more.

  • Grit and giftedness: four ways to encourage perseverance in gifted children

    Offers four strategies for encouraging perseverance in gifted children.

  • New Study That Learning-By-Teaching Develops Higher Order Thinking Skills

    A study shows that learning by teaching enhances students' higher-order thinking skills.

  • Trivia Activities

    Trivia activities designed to engage and challenge students.

  • Enrichment

    Focus on enrichment being seen as “instead of” rather than “in addition to”.

  • 50 Fun Earth Day Crafts and Activities Using Upcycled Materials

    Offers Earth Day crafts and classroom activities to help students learn about environmental conservation

  • 100 Best STEM Blogs and Websites in 2024

    Lists top STEM blogs that provide resources, ideas, and insights for educators and students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math.

  • 4 Effective Instructional Strategies That Work for Math, Writing, and More

    Four effective instructional strategies that improve teaching across subjects like math and writing, focusing on evidence-based practices and student engagement.

  • Science Experiments Inspired by the Magic of Disney

    Disney-themed science experiments designed to make learning engaging and fun for kids through interactive and creative activities.

  • Can Gifted Education Be Excellent and Equitable?

    Debates whether gifted education can achieve both excellence and equity, exploring ways to balance high standards with inclusive practices.

  • Free Brain Games

    Online thinking games.

  • Top books for gifted students

    20 Best Gifted Students Books of All Time

  • Making Project Based Learning a Gift for the Gifted

    Strategies for adapting project-based learning to better meet the needs of gifted students, enhancing their engagement and challenge.

  • The Do’s and Don’ts for Teachers of Gifted Students

    Outlines key dos and do nots for teaching gifted students.

  • The SAGE Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education

    Offering insights into theoretical and practical approaches for educating gifted students.

  • Let's Get Creative

    A collection of high-quality, free, online creativity tools.

  • Online Coding Program Comparison

    Compares various online coding programs, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for gifted students interested in coding and programming.

  • Project Euler

    Offering a collection of challenging mathematical and computational problems designed to be solved with computer programs, aimed at improving problem-solving skills and algorithmic thinking.

  • Big Logic Puzzle Extravenagza

    Set of logic puzzles designed to challenge and engage gifted students.

  • Using Insight Puzzles to Engage and Intrigue Gifted Learners

    Discusses how insight puzzles can be used to engage and intrigue gifted learners in physical education, enhancing their problem-solving skills and motivation through challenging and stimulating activities.

  • An educators’ guide to gifted children

    Guide for educators on understanding and supporting gifted students, providing strategies for effective teaching, identification, and addressing their unique needs.

  • [Classroom Strategies] Teaching Gifted Students

    Outlines effective classroom strategies for teaching gifted students.

  • The Importance of Teachers

    Highlights the critical role teachers play in the education of gifted students, emphasizing the need for specialized training and strategies to effectively nurture their abilities.

  • A Periodic Table about Visualization Methods

    Vsual periodic table of visual literacy concepts.

  • Nerdle

    Nerdle is a daily math game solved by logic and a little mental arithmetic.

  • Henry Segerman

    Henry Segerman is a mathematician who likes to make clever, remarkable mathematical shapes and 3D print them out into real things. He then makes a youtube explaining their origins.

  • Eight truths about bright kids that parents and educators should know

    Test scores and teacher comments show that your child is bright, academically advanced, gifted.

    You rejoice … until you see that D on their report card.

    Is this normal? Yes.

    Need proof? Here are eight things we know about bright kids, according to the National Association for Gifted Children.

  • The Kid Should See This - Smart videos for curious minds of all ages

    TKSST is a Webby award-winning collection of over 4,500 kid-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home. Selections are grown-up-friendly, too. And thanks to our community, it’s free for everyone. Become a member.