Parallel Session 2:
1:25 PM - 2:10 PM (IST)
Parallel Session 3:
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM (IST)
Parallel Session 4:
4:20 PM - 5:05 PM (IST)
Description: In this session, attendees will learn about the wellbeing profile of the gifted learner and how it differs from the profile of the typical learner. This will allow attendees to advocate for their students as well as support them. Strategies for both advocacy and direct support will be discussed as a group.
Description: An introduction to the talent development approach for meeting the needs of highly able learners, an inclusive framework that fully embraces the Challenge For All philosophy. Find out how and why it differs from traditional gifted education approaches, why it is uniquely suited to international schools, and what it looks like in practice.
Description: The workshop is aimed at helping participants look at a traditional math lesson and transforming it into an exciting, problem-solving Project-Based Learning (PBL) opportunity. Participants will work collaboratively to design a mystery-solving quest where students must solve problems to unlock clues, uncover a mystery, and ultimately "solve the case."
Description: In this session, attendees will learn the unique ways perfectionism surfaces in the gifted learner. In breakout rooms, based on information shared, small groups will generate actionable strategies to help tame the different types of perfectionism students encounter. These strategies will be discussed so everyone has even more tools in their toolbox on Monday!
Description: If you're not careful, developing an identification process can end up taking up so much time and energy that there's nothing left to actually provide for the needs of identified students. In this session we will take a fresh look at identification from a classroom perspective, try out some practical tools, and consider an alternative approach to identification of highly able learners.
Description: Continuation from PART 1 (see session description above)
Description: One slide. Many possibilities. Attendees will leave this session with a concrete pedagogical tool that personalizes learning for all students. This structure transformed my math instruction and has increased agency and engagement in my and my colleagues’ Literacy, Science, and PE classes, just to name a few. While delivering content from the front of the room works for some, more students either need more time or yearn to move faster - this is possible with this model. The day after I made this change to my pedagogical structure, my students thanked me - confirmation that this was something special.
Description: With so many competing initiatives and stakeholder interests, it can be tough for a school leader to effectively implement systemic change to address the needs of highly able learners. How can international schools take the existing international school obstacles and opportunities and create meaningful learning engagements for their gifted and highly able learners? This session will guide leaders and educators through the essential stages of strategic planning for effecting real change at all levels of the institution, from philosophy to action, with a focus on inclusion and excellence. We'll explore practical strategies for building scalable models of programming that align with your school’s mission while addressing diverse learner needs.
Description: In this presentation, we will see examples of how giving everyone an opportunity to grow and challenge themselves in PE, no matter what skill they are in their movement journey, can be done through layering a lesson with their voice and choice. There will be chances to ask questions and apply the examples to lessons of your own or others.
Description: Continuation from PART 1 (see session description above)
Description: HAGT learners have diverse socio-emotional needs as well as academic needs. This session will be a deep dive into how underachievement occurs, what can be done both to prevent it and address it, and how it specifically affects the HAGT learning community.
Description: In this workshop, we will explore the landscape of the variety of profiles gifted students have, particularly those who are twice exceptional and multilingual. Attendees will gain insight into recognizing and identifying these diverse profiles. This workshop aims to foster a deeper understanding of the diverse cognitive, social and emotional needs within these specific “sub-groups” of gifted learners.