Practical Tools for International Schools.
Resources for your program
Student Self-Advocacy Planner
Student Self-Advocacy is a key component of any high ability or gifted & talented school program. As educators, we may have enrichment or challenge ideas in mind that we think will best match a student’s level, but the best predictor of success is student interest and involvement in the process. Unless you’ve got a particularly precocious younger child, the planner is most appropriate for grades 3 and above. The convenient and fillable planner is the first step in drafting a personalized academic plan (coming soon).
Give your advanced students voice and choice with the Student Self-Advocacy Planner!
Student Interview Form for Program Eligibility (grades 2-4)
As part of a comprehensive eligibility review, teams should consider both objective and subjective data. The Student Interview Form can be used to identify areas of perceived strengths and weaknesses as well as interests and creativity that may be difficult to quantify through traditional testing. It is best when used with grades 2-4, although it may be a good fit for your more advanced or mature students in K-1. Available in a convenient, fillable format.
Student Interview Form for Program Eligibility (grades 5-12)
As part of a comprehensive eligibility review, teams should consider both objective and subjective data. The Student Interview Form can be used to identify areas of perceived strengths and weaknesses as well as interests and creativity that may be difficult to quantify through traditional testing. It is best when used with grades 5-12, although it may be a good fit for your more advanced or mature students in grades 3 and 4. Available in a convenient, fillable format.
Academic Self-Advocacy Plan (ASAP)
Your students have done some self-reflection and pre-planning. They have used the Student Self-Advocacy Planner to articulate their ideas for curricular differentiation. You’re now ready to share the agreements with all stakeholders. The Academic Self-Advocacy Plan template is a quick and easy way to capture the plan details between the teacher and the student so that everyone shares a common understanding.