Community Support
Finding and Building Community as a Profoundly Gifted or Twice-Exceptional Family
Offers guidance for profoundly gifted and twice-exceptional families on finding and creating supportive communities to address their unique needs and foster connections.
The Knowledge Center
The Knowledge Center page provides a comprehensive collection of resources, research, and tools related to gifted education to support educators, parents, and advocates.
Barriers to gifted kids finding “like minds”
Highlights challenges gifted students face, including social isolation, misunderstandings, and lack of academic challenges, emphasizing the need for tailored support.
LGBTQ Diversity Toolbox for Parents - Resources
Toolbox of resources for parents on LGBTQ+ diversity, offering guidance and support to help them.
Other helpful resources for the gifted
a list of helpful resources for gifted individuals, including books, websites, and organizations that offer support and information on gifted education and development.
Friendship 101
Provides insights into helping gifted youth build and maintain friendships, emphasizing the importance of social skills.
Chancellor King Announces the Launch of the SUNY Black Leadership Institute
State University of New York Chancellor John B. King, Jr. today announced the launch of the SUNY Black Leadership Institute (BLI). BLI, modeled after the nationally recognized and highly successful Hispanic Leadership Institute (HLI), will support, retain, and foster the success of emerging and current leaders.
It's Time to Talk about Race with Dr. Joy Lawson Davis
Discussing race in the classroom with Dr. Joy Lawson Davis.